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2023/3/29 10:07:10发布47次查看
o'clock yesterday morning, six in longgang district, shen hui road, railway bridge together communities, the ongoing transformation of national roadproject water company crews inadvertently waduan water valves, water under high pressure pipeline from the last couple of meters thick jet out, diffuse and shenhui road for a short time can not excrete a large number of water blocked vehicle traffic around the accident and caused more thanhouseholds without water forhours broken water pipe in the ground surrounded by construction of the culvert units, supported by a steel frame apart from being waduan outside water valve, there are multiple side by side is ruptured water pipes, water pipes burst out of four or five meters of the spray jet, and ball valves many passers-by crowd, unfortunately many people address him shaking his head it is reported that the water pipe is broken connection in the night before the new valve installed in the morning at the water company to open the valve henggang soon after received a public fountain to reflect the section of the pipeline rupture received reflect upon what the water company immediately turn off the control valve inflated the total pipeline, about half an hour later, the situation is under control henggang water company, according to the staff, the accident caused at leasttons of water loss, accident investigation found that because the transformation of national road constructioncontrol valves units damaged during the construction of a new connection of the water valve, which leads to the water company with water, the water sharp increase in pressure to break through the valve after the accident, the construction side has not appeared water company to determine the initial direct impact on the water valve broken more thanhouseholds near the water problem and said it would soon repair the damaged pipeso'clock yesterday afternoon, the broken pipe was repaired immediately restore the water supply pipe
原文来自strainerorg construction waduan valvewithout water 是由 上海丰企阀门有限公司提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考,以下提供站内导航搜索 中国过滤器网 过滤器产品 过滤器知识 过滤器厂商 过滤器博客 过滤器行业新闻
昨日上午时许,在龙岗区深惠路六联社区铁路桥下,正在进行国道改造工程项目。施工队不慎挖断供水公司水阀门,高压下的自来水从近一米粗的管道喷射而出,漫及深惠路上。因短时间无法排泄出美标阀门 ,大量积水堵塞车辆通行,事故并造成附近多户居民断水小时。
事故发生后,施工方一直未露面。自来水公司初步判断此次水管阀门断裂直接影响到附近多户居民的用水问题,并表示将尽快对损坏的水管进行维修。昨日下午时许,破裂的水管被德标阀门 修复,管道即时恢复供水。


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